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Mastering Kubernetes
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What is Kubernetes (4:16)
Master and Control Plane (8:30)
Worker Nodes (6:21)
Running Kubernetes Clusters (4:44)
Installing Docker (7:17)
Installing Minikube (4:26)
Installing Kubectl (5:52)
Kubernetes Hello World (7:12)
Exploring k8s Cluster
Exploring Cluster (5:21)
SSH Into Nodes (3:21)
Startling and Stopping Cluster (2:34)
Cluster with 2 nodes (4:36)
Minikube Logs (2:47)
Pods (3:02)
Imperative vs Declarative Management (2:25)
Create pods Imperative Command (3:03)
Create pods Using Declarative Configuration (8:17)
Pod yaml config Overview (1:53)
Create and Delete Resources (6:31)
List Resources (4:05)
Kubectl Describe (4:02)
Formatting Output (1:37)
Logs (5:57)
Shell Access To A Running Pod (3:28)
Access Pod via Port Forward (3:19)
List All Resource Types (2:58)
Kubectl Cheatcheat (2:51)
Dont use pods on its own (2:31)
Deployments Overview (1:46)
Creating Deployment (6:25)
Managing Deployments (5:03)
Replica Sets Overview (1:38)
Listing Replicate Sets (4:44)
Port Forward Deployments (2:32)
Scaling Deployment Replicas (4:26)
Deployment and Rolling Updates
Rolling Updates (1:35)
Rolling Updates In Action (6:21)
Rollbacks (5:57)
Manage Your Cluster Using Declarative Approach (4:06)
Revision History Limit (2:38)
Configure Deployment Rolling Strategy (7:17)
Pausing and Resuming Rollouts (1:43)
Kubernetes Service (3:00)
Customer Microservice Deployment (6:17)
Exercise (1:22)
Exercise Sol (2:27)
Mircoservice Communication using POD IP address (10:11)
ClusterIP Service (7:50)
Inspecting ClustreIP Service and Endpoints with Kubectl (7:13)
Cluster IP Service In Action (10:19)
NodePort Service (4:42)
Createting NodePort Service (6:29)
Accessing API with NodePort Service (9:28)
NodePort with Random Port (6:29)
Accessing NodePort Service Using Cluster IP Address (3:14)
LoadBalancer Service (3:23)
Exercise (2:57)
Full Stack App exposed with LoadBalancer Service (8:10)
Default Kuberenetes Service (3:22)
Labels, Selectors and Annotations
Labels (4:34)
Selectors (5:59)
Labels and Selectors with Objects (10:45)
Querying with In and NotIn (2:31)
Annotations (2:16)
Service Discovery
Service Discovery and DNS (4:18)
CoreDNS & DNS Resolution (9:58)
Accessing services from Different namespaces (6:13)
Endpoints (2:56)
Kube-Proxy (5:22)
Volumes & Storage
Intro to Volumes (1:47)
EmptyDir Volume Part 1 (8:27)
EmptyDir Volume Part 2 (9:55)
HostPath Volume (13:31)
Other Volume Types (3:48)
PersistentVolumes (2:53)
Persistent Volume SubSystem (2:13)
Create PersistentVolume and PresistentVolumeClaim (8:15)
PersistentVolume and PresistentVolumeClaim in Action (7:37)
What are ConfigMaps (1:52)
Creating ConfigMap Declaratively (7:05)
ConfigMaps Using Imperative Command (3:38)
ConfigMaps and Environment Variables (9:05)
ConfigMaps and Volumes (9:11)
Mount Multiple ConfigMaps in same Folder (3:14)
Mount single file
Kubernetes Secrets (0:44)
GenericSecret (4:54)
Consuming Secrets with Volumes and Environment Variables (6:26)
Secrets are not Secrets in Kubernetes (4:08)
ImagePullSecrets (8:09)
Secret Types (0:59)
Namesapaces (2:48)
Creating Namespaces (5:43)
Using Namespaces (7:43)
Kubens (3:28)
NS Cross Communication and Network Policies (1:45)
Health Checks
Kubernetes Health Checks (1:18)
Liveness Probe (9:07)
Readiness Probe (4:21)
Resource Management
Resource Management (2:41)
Resource Requests and Limits (4:11)
Lets max out our cluster (5:33)
Jobs & Cron Jobs
Running Tasks with Kubernetes (3:18)
Jobs (4:59)
CronJobs (6:49)
DeamonSet (1:52)
Lets create Fluentd DeamonSet (6:26)
StatefulSets (2:30)
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