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Kotlin for Beginners
1 - Course Under Development (0:43)
2 - IntelliJ (1:03)
3 - Newsletter
Git Repository
Source Code
Getting Started
1 - Intro (1:32)
2 - Kotlin Playground (1:41)
3 - Toolbox (3:16)
4 - Create Kotlin Project (4:27)
5 - IntelliJ New UI (1:09)
6 - IDE Overview (4:53)
The Basics Of Kotlin
1 - The Main Function (5:43)
2 - Reserved Keywords (3:10)
3 - Comments (3:10)
4 - Println and Print (2:42)
5 - Variables (4:06)
6 - Datatypes (4:22)
7 - Any (2:34)
8 - Type Inference (1:19)
9 - Val vs Var (2:59)
10 - Const Keyword (4:18)
11 - Null Safety (4:05)
12 - Strings (4:12)
13 - String Templates (3:52)
14 - Multiline Strings (2:43)
15 - String Comparison (6:35)
16 - Heap and String Pool Memory (String Comparison) (3:58)
17 - Arithmetic Operators (3:22)
18 - math (5:14)
19 - ++ and -- Operators (4:36)
20 - Plus Operator (2:06)
21 - Convert from one data type to another (4:18)
1 - Booleans (3:08)
2 - Naming Booleans (1:39)
3 - Logical Operators (6:54)
4 - Comparison Operators (2:35)
5 - If Else Statement (3:28)
6 - Else (2:26)
7 - Else If (1:34)
8 - If Expression (3:38)
9 - Ifs Like Ternary In Java (4:33)
10 - When Expression (4:08)
11 - More on When Expression (3:53)
12 - When booleans are null (2:56)
Arrays and Lists
1 - Intro (1:01)
2 - Arrays (8:09)
3 - Arrays Part 2 (4:33)
4 - Lists (6:10)
5 - Mutable Lists (4:48)
6 - Descructuring (3:14)
7 - Never Mix Types (2:22)
1 - For Loop (5:20)
2 - Indices (4:30)
3 - Range DownTo and Step (4:33)
4 - Loop Through Strings (1:06)
5 - forEach (2:25)
6 - While loop (5:34)
7 - DoWhile (1:59)
8 - Break and Continue (5:12)
1 - Intro (3:12)
2 - Your First Function (5:10)
3 - Parameters and Arguments (4:34)
4 - Named Arguments (1:22)
5 - Default Arguments (3:08)
6 - Functions as Arguments (6:21)
7 - Retrurn (3:55)
8 - Retrurn value from functions (2:59)
9 - Single Expression Functions (2:00)
10 - Function Return Type Rule (1:24)
11 - Return Multiple Values From Functions (6:04)
Classes and Objects
1 - Classes and Objects Overview (5:04)
2 - Defining Properties (5:02)
3 - Getters and Setters (4:22)
4 - Behaviours (Functions) (6:15)
5 - Constructors (6:07)
6 - Multiple Constructors (5:21)
7 - ToString (2:37)
8 - Equality with == and === (7:03)
1 - Next Steps (3:25)
2 - Submit Your Suggestions
3 - Professional Java and Full Stack Bundle (2:59)
4 - Java For Beginners
5 - Full Stack Professional (2:59)
5 - Mutable Lists
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