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Spring Boot | React | AWS
Image Upload | Spring Boot | AWS S3
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Spring Initializr (1:43)
IntelliJ and AWS SDK (2:47)
AWS Credentials (2:55)
Amazon S3 Client (4:07)
Creating S3 Bucket (4:02)
Saving files to S3 Bucket (7:59)
User Profile model (4:49)
Create in-memory database (4:08)
API & service layers (7:12)
Upload image API (4:34)
Check list to upload images (2:43)
Facebook Create-react-app (4:31)
Components and Axios (11:14)
Rendering User Profile (4:30)
React Dropzone (6:28)
Pexels (2:43)
UI Logic to send files to backend (6:50)
Increase servlet max file size (4:13)
Exercise (1:27)
Lets Implement uploadUserProfileImage() (13:39)
Lets test things (8:57)
Set user profile image link (5:20)
Lets implement download() images (9:22)
Implement download images on frontend (4:51)
Final Touches (5:21)
Lets wrap it up (1:09)
Increase servlet max file size
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